ALEGERI SĂNĂTOASE – Serie de conferințe 2024 Conferințele ”Alegeri sănătoase”, organizate de Asociația CREDU pe parcursul anului 2024, își propun abordarea de
Category: Projects
The Israeli population is one of the most educated in the world The information and data about the educational system I am
AmSchool est une école roumaine partenaire avec Mizzou Academy, qui propose des cours de haut niveau basés sur la recherche et le
L’Université de Tilburg aux Pays-Bas a été fondée en 1927 sous le nom de « L’Ecole d’affaires Romano-Catholique”. Près d’un siècle plus tard,
Each country has its own educational system based on specific socio-political, economic and cultural elements. Two conclusions can be drawn from this
The Swedish education system is seen as the “education of the future” for outsiders. One of the key elements of the Swedish
On individual level, the quality of life is reflected in: job opportunities, quality education and an active life in a safe, healthy
O.V.: What you like to tell me about the current situation regarding the education in India? His Excellency Mister Rahul Shrivastava, Ambassador